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Exhibitions and trade shows are loaded with opportunities for brands to have a lasting impression on their potential customers. In such cases, all the people you need to market your brand to are already present. All you need to do is attract their attention.

Stall Exhibition

So, how do you attract customers to a booth that is one amongst many brands being promoted at a trade show?

All the answers lie in your trade show booths. If your booth is inviting, creative, and appealing enough, visitors (even the ones who are not your target audience) are bound to notice your brand amongst many.

Make sure you get in touch with a reliable exhibition show booth designer before the event. They will guide you all the way and assist you on how to make your booth stand out at a fair.

Interactive booth ideas go a long way. They not only make the guests notice and appreciate your booth but also make them want to engage with your brand. Once you have their attention and curiosity, it is easy to convert your guests into leads.

Here are some of the trusted trade show booth tips you can consider to attract visitors at an exhibition:

Invite Your Current Contacts To The Trade Show

It is always advisable to make use of your customer database before the trade show takes place. Send invitations to all your contacts, whether they are your existing customers, acquired leads, or even past customers.

Exhibition Stall Design in Mumbai

Inviting your contacts personally would help you ensure some footfall at your booth during the event. You can also plan special activities for your contact at your booth and use the opportunity to convert the leads you had acquired earlier.

Make Use Of Mascots

If your brand has a mascot, make optimum use of the same in your booth. Most of the trade show booth ideas to attract visitors contain a creative use of mascots.

This helps you reinforce your brand in the minds of your guests and increases its visibility in the show. The best trade booth designs of brands have their mascots on the banners, screens, videos, and graphics used in the booths. A life-size mascot can also be used near your booth (a cardboard cutout or cosplay) to attract the attention of the guests.

If your brand does not have an official mascot, you can make use of custom characters and use them as mascots in your booths.

Use The Power Of Social Media

Almost the entire world is on social media today. Make the best use of social media platforms for promoting your brand and booth before and during the trade show.

Exhibition Stall Designe

Inculcate the habit of making live posts on social media giving regular updates to your followers. This extends your audience and allows you to target people beyond the guests present at your trade show. Make your posts so interesting that your followers end up attending the trade show.

Moreover, you can stream the show, and especially your booth, on different social media platforms. Provide live coverage of the activities going on in your booth to the followers not attending the event.

Spread Your Word Through Influencers

Today, public opinion relies heavily on the views of influencers. It is always fruitful to invite these influencers to trade shows and get them to talk about your show booth.

These influencers may include prominent bloggers, publications, social media stars, or other noted celebrities. Once they include a mention of your booth in their blogs, articles, or social media posts, the visibility of your brand is bound to skyrocket overnight!

This is one of the most reliable trade show booth tips if you are launching a new brand or a new product in the market. Influencers always provide the much needed initial attention to your brand, drawing in maximum eyeballs!

Include A Photo Booth

People are obsessed with taking pictures now more than ever! Everyone loves to get a beautiful picture clicked with an attractive backdrop.

Include a fun photo booth inside or next to your exhibition show booth. Make use of creative backgrounds and props that make your guests want to get their pictures clicked.

For better traction, you can have a fun competition or lucky draw for the pictures taken at your photo booth. Ask your guests to upload the pictures on social media and tag your brand. Give attractive vouchers and goodies of your brand to the winners.

A simple photo booth can help you cover several areas of marketing and promotion for your trade show booth. However, always make sure that you come up with interactive booth ideas that are out of the box.

Use Quirky Booth Designs

The designs you use in your exhibition Stall Designe show booths play an important role in attracting your audience. They make your booth stand out from the clutter of other businesses.

Get rid of the basic first thoughts and come up with the best trade show booth design that instantly catches the attention of the guests. If your budget and the venue allow, go for custom made booths and break the rules of how a trade show booth should look like.

If you want to give a sense of exclusivity to your brand, you can have a closed booth with an appealing design on the outside, asking guests to check out what lies behind the walls!

However, always remember that your trade show booth design should be in tune with the essence and personality of your bran. You cannot set up a booth promoting a luxury perfume brand and have a playful design sporting overly right colours.

Whatever design you choose, always ensure that it is an extension of your brand.

Indulge Your Guests In Fun Activities

The last thing you would want is to bore your guests at an exhibition or a trade show. Make sure that your booth is the place that engages and refreshed people.

Organize fun and interactive activities at your booth that not only grab the attention of your guests but also make them want to participate. Have simple yet entertaining games, preferably that revolve around your brand. You’re your products as giveaways and prizes for the winners.

This would make people use your products to understand their utility, helping you promote your brand and generate leads.

Help Your Guests Relax

It is very likely that your guests are tired after roaming around the venue and bombarded with promotional messages. They will be looking to relax for a while and take a break from the chaos.

Make your show booth a place where your visitors can breathe a sigh of relief. Have a comfortable seating arrangement for them where they can relax. Instead of bombarding them with promotional messages, ask them to have a look at your products/services as they get comfortable.

Have screens and displays in your booth where you can show your guests a variety of product videos. You helping them relax would help you create a positive impression of your brand, and a little push would help you make a good deal.

Make sure you keep these trade show booth tips in mind whenever you are a part of exhibitions and trade shows. This will help you master the art of promoting your brand by saying less and showing more!

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